Number of unique page views (yesterday): 87 (thanks everyone!)
Number of views of all screenshots combined: 83 (29 unique views of artss1t.jpg)
Number of downloads: 1 ): (Thanks Australian user!)
Yeah, that last figure is a real shocker. I know that RTS games may not be the most popular these days, and furthermore my game doesn't exactly look professional, but darnit I spent alot of time on it!
So the lesson here is: If your game isn't 'pretty' enough to get them in the front door (i.e. actually downoad and play), and other features you add are useless (except for your own enjoyment).
Based on this my next series of release is already decided - improve the visuals so I get a bit more downloads. The good news it this can be done without much programming, though a refactoring of the image logic may be needed because I am not assigning a static to each image. My code makes the IDs unique, but not static - so if I add an image in between code somewhere It will probably mess up all my images. Anyway, have to think about that a bit.
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