Tuesday, November 18, 2008

RTS development on a shoestring budget

Hello everyone,

This is the first post of the ART Development blog, which chronicles the story of the development of my RTS game - ART(SG) (Another Real-Time Strategy Game).

In this blog I will discuss challenges I faced in developing ART, ideas for new features and improvements to the game, and tips for development in general. I hope the ideas I discuss here will help other developers creating their own games, as well as motivate other by showing how much can be done by a single developer (with a little bit of help).

I'm also looking forward to lots of feedback from the community, and even possibly new team members to help develop ART.

Here is a link back to the games homepage, feel free to download the latest version and try it out, or at least peruse the screenshots to get an idea of what the game is like.


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